
Monday, March 28, 2011

The first try!

Test Test...


I always feel like i want to keep everyone updated on what's going on here with me and the baby bump. But it's so hard to talk to Everyone about everything on skype and email so i thought blogging would be a good idea! Now you (family and friend in Canada) that are curious about what's going on can read about it whenever you have time! And when i go back to canada and we have time to talk and see eath other more frequency i'll start writing in swedish to update everyone here. smart no?! haha

Today there's not much going on at all. So i'll spare you the details. Working the night shift, and tonight i have to stay awake for the first time. Usually we have sleeping night shifts but not tonight. Hope it goes well and that i won't fall asleep!

That was all for my first blog post! Hope this works out and that we can all feel more updated and close even tho we're an ocean apart!

Miss you!

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